Our Mission

Our mission is equip Christ’s followers to make disciples who will make disciples. We want to see Christ’s disciples live an intentional life-style disciple making.

Making disciple who will be able to make disciples is our priority ministry. We will help churches to establish an ongoing discipleship ministry in the local church by equipping the pastors and the church leaders to disciple new believers and church members who want to learn.

Our Organization

We are a Non-profit religious organization corporates in the State of Minnesota and organized exclusively for purposes subsequent to section 501(c)(3) of the internal Revenue Code. We are Non-denomination ministry established especially for the purpose of equipping all Hmong churches to make disciples.

We believe that born again christian who make Christ their Lord and Savior are disciple of Christ. A disciple is a follower of Christ. He or she lives under the Lordship of Christ. A disciple of Christ must share the Good News to people who have not make Christ their Lord. We must make disciples of all nations as Christ commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.

Our Core Values

Every religious organizations exist for a purpose. Each has their own core value. Dictionary define Core Values as the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. It helps us to determine our focus whether we are on the right path and fulfilling our goals or not. It creates an an unwavering guide for us. HDI has these core values:

Our Stance on Discipleship

Discipleship begins with the soul beginning with salvation. As the Bible states in Colossians 2:6-7, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” 

Once Christ take control of your life the Holy Spirit will transform you into His image. The first group of people you will impact by disciple them are your spouse and your children. We believe that discipleship must begin in the home.

Once Christ take control of the home the Holy Spirit will transform the church. People will impact the church by faithfully serving in whatever ministries God give to them. Each member need to multiply themself by disciple others.

Which much experience sharing your testimony in the church, the Holy Spirit will lead you to the share His love to others in the community. The church will begin to impact the community and the world.